“Burnout is not something that happens over night. Burnout is chronic unmanaged stress that goes on for days, weeks, months, and often it goes on for years. It’s insidious. It creeps up over time and the problem with burnout is a lot of people don’t realize they are going through it until it gets really bad.
Many of us think we can keep pushing day after day, week after week, month after month without any consequences. But we can't.”
-Dr. Chatter Jee- Stress can have wear and tear effects on the body, especially when it doesn’t ease up after a while — so it makes sense that it can incite physical symptoms. When people are under stress, their bodies undergo changes that include making higher than normal levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, epinephrine and norepinephrine. These changes are helpful in the short term — they give us the energy to power through difficult situations — but over time, they start harming the body. Our bodies were not designed for the kinds of stressors that we face today. WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR
One common burnout symptom is insomnia. When researchers in Italy surveyed frontline health care workers with burnout during the first peak of the pandemic, they found that 55 percent reported having difficulty falling asleep, while nearly 40 percent had nightmares.
Research suggests that chronic stress interferes with the complicated neurological and hormonal system that regulates sleep. It’s a vicious cycle, because not sleeping throws this system even more out of whack. If you’ve noticed you’re unable to sleep at night, that could be a sign that you’re experiencing burnout, and your sleeplessness could exacerbate the problem. ~Dr. Dyrbye
Clients are usually surprised by how much tension their body is actually holding. Left untreated, this tension can lead to muscle pain, restricted range of movement and often has an impact on mental health and wellbeing over time.
I don’t just help clients with pain. I help them slow down, spend some time in stillness, breathe, and release the tension that their body is holding. It’s not just about pain relief. It’s also about stress relief.
